YCU PR Office


Association between maternal factors in early pregnancy and congenital heart defects in offspring: the Japan Environment and Children’s Study

Background Many prenatal factors are reported to be associated with congenital heart defects (CHD) in offspring. However, these associations have not been adequately examined using large‐scale birth cohorts.

Cross-sectional survey of hypertension management in clinical practice in Japan: The Kanagawa Hypertension Study 2021 conducted in collaboration with Japan Medical Association Database of Clinical Medicine

We aim to assess the data of patients with hypertension in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, collected in 2021 that were provided by the Japan Medical Association Database of Clinical Medicine. Data collected in 2011 and 2014 by the Kanagawa Physicians Association were used for comparative analysis.

Fuel-Type Independent Parameterization of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Western US Wildfires

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from biomass burning impact air quality and climate. Laboratory studies have shown that the variability in VOC speciation is largely driven by changes in combustion conditions and is only modestly impacted by fuel type.

ChemTSv2: Functional Molecular Design Using de novo Molecule Generator

Designing functional molecules is the prerogative of experts who have advanced knowledge and experience in their fields. To democratize automatic molecular design for both experts and nonexperts, we introduce a generic open-sourced framework, ChemTSv2, to design molecules based on a de novo molecule generator equipped with an easy-to-use interface.