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Unraveling the Role of CDCA7 in Maintenance of DNA Methylation

Scientists have determined that the CDCA7 gene is necessary for recognizing and facilitating the repair of partially methylated DNA regions

Activity of MEXT Scholarship Alumni After Returning to Their Home Country

As a part of the activities in commemoration of the 160th anniversary of Japan-German relationship, and the 10th anniversary of partnership between the cities of Yokohama and Frankfurt, Dr. Clemens von Goetze, Ambassador of Germany to Japan, was invited on December 16, 2021 to give an online lecture titled “Germany and Japan: Partners in Overcoming the Challenges of the 21st Century”.

Simplifying the Estimation of Volatile Organic Compounds Emitted From Wildfires

Researchers find that information on combustion temperatures can help in estimating the emission of volatile organic compounds from wildfires

Event Report: The 14th IACSC International Symposium/General Assembly

The 11th International Academic Consortium for Sustainable Cities (IACSC) International Symposium/General Assembly was held on November 14th, 2020, online and at Vietnam National University in Vietnam.