Subfamilies of EF-hands

Subfamily description Kingdom Function Structure 1 2 3 4 5 6
Animal Plant Fungi Protist ( 7 8 9 10 11 12 )
-- CTER ---
CAMcalmodulinAPFP+ X + + + +/-
TNCtroponin CA...+ X +/- + +/- +
ELCessential light chain, myosinA.F.+ X a/- +/- +/- +/-
RLCregulatory light chainA.FP+ X+ - - -
TPNVtroponin, nonvertebrateA...+ ? - + +/- +
CLATCAM-like leaf (Arabidopsis).P..? ? + + + +***
SQUDsquidulin (Loligo)A...+ ? + + + +
CDCCDC31 & caltractinAPFP? ? + +/- +/- +
CALcal1 (Caenorhabditis)A...? ? + + + +
CASTCAST .P..? ? ***+ - + +
--- CPV ---
CLNBcalcineurin BA.F.+ X + + + +
P22p22A...? ? + - + +
VISvisinin & recoverinA...+ X - + + -
CALScalsenilin (Homo)A...? ? ***- - + +
DREM DRE antag. modul. (Homo)A...+ ? ***-/? +/? + +
CMPK CAM dep prot kinase (Lilium).P..+ ? ***+ + + +
SOS3Ca sens homo (Arabidopsis).P..+ ? - - - -
--- Pairings ---
RTCreticulocalbin (Mus)A...? ? + ?/+ ?/+ + + +
SCFDNA supercoil fact (Bombyx)A...? ? ***+ - + + + +
CALPcalpainA...+ X ***+ + - - -
SORCsorcin / grancyclinA.F.+ ? ***+ + - - -
S100S100A...? X b/- +
ICBPintestinal Ca binding proteinA...? X b/- +
HYFLtrichohylin profilagA...? ? b/? +***
DGKdiacylglycerol kinaseA...+ ? ***+ +***
NUBNnucleobindin & NEFAA...? ? ***+ +***
CRGPCAM rel gene product (Homo)A...? ? + +
ACTNalpha-actininA.F.+ ?***+/- +/-
FDRNalpha-spectrin & alpha-fodrinA...+ ? ***- -
GPDGlycerol-P-dehydrogenaseA...+ ? ***- +
AIF1allograft inflammatory factorA...? ? ***+ +/?
BM40osteonectin, SPARKA...? X ***c +
QR1QR1 & SC1A... ? ? - +
--- Self ---
EF12Ca Binding prot of nematodesA...? ? ***+ + + - + +
+ + + + + +
LPSL. pictus SPEC resembl protA...? ? + + + + + +
+ -
CLBNcalbindin 28kDa, calretininA...? ? ++/- + + + -
EP15EP15A...? ? - - - + + -
TCBPTetrahymena CaBP...P? ? - + + +
P26p260lf (Rana)A...? ? - - *** - -
PLCphopholipase CA.F.+ X ***- - - - ***
CBPCBP1, CBP2 (Dictyostelium)..F.? ? + + + +
--- Miscellaneous ---
PFSsurface protein (Plasmodium)...P? ? ***+ + + + + -***
CDPKCa dependent protein kinase.P..+ ? ***+ + + +
PFPKprotein kinase (Plasmodium)...P+ ? ***+ + + +
SPECStrongylocentrotus CaBP A...? ? +/- + + +/-
TPPp24 thyroid proteinA...? ? + + + ?
1F81F8 & TB17 & calflagin...P? ? + + + +
SARCsarcoplasm Ca bind protA...? X + +/- + +/-
AEQaequorin & luciferin BPA...+ ? +*-* + +
PPTSprotein phosphataseA...+ ? ***-*-* + +
H32HRA32 (Phaseolus).P..? ? + + + +
EFH5EFH5...P? ? - +/- +/- -
CVPCa vector prot (Branch.)A...? ? - - + +
PMATmemb. assoc. (Arabidopsis).P..? ? ***+ + + +
LAVLAV1 (Physarum)..F.? ? ***+ + + +
CMSE CaBP (Saccharopolyspora)bact? ? + + + +
MSVMSV097 (Entomopoxvirinae)virus? ? + + - -
PARVparvalbuminA...? X del - + +
FIMBfimbrinA.F.+ ? +/- +/-***
GRPras guan releasing prot (Rattus)A...? ? ***+/? +/?***
PKDPKD2L / polycystinA...? ? ***- +***
RYRryanodine receptor / Ca releaseA...+ ? ***- +***
CBLproto-oncogene CblA...+ X ***- d***
CIB Ca & integrin binding proteinA...? ? ***+ +
SENScalsensin (Haemopsis)A...? ? + +
GRVgroovin (Drosophila)A...? ? + +

The EF-hand subfamilies are described in several groups: CTER those that are congruent with calmodulin, troponin C, essential, and regulatory light chains, CPV those that are congruent with calcineurin B, p22, and visinin (recoverin), Pairings those closely related among or between themselves but not closely related to other subfamilies, Self those (some of) whose domains are most closely related to other domains within the same subfamily, and Miscellaneous those whose domains do not show a strong and consistent pattern of similarity with other EF-hand subfamilies. For 24 subfamilies only one sequence is available; this is indicated by inclusion of genus name in parentheses or as part of the name of that subfamily. APFP refers to whether the protein is found in Animals, Plants, Fungi, and/or Protists. The Function/Struct column indicate whether a function is known "+" or not "?" and whether a crystal structure (or model for CVP) is available "X" or not "?". The symbol "***" before the first domain column or in the last domain column indicates a hetero-chimeric protein with the non-EF-hand domain(s) to either the N- or C-side of the EF-hands. For AEQ and PPTS the "*-*" indicates that domain is not recognizable as an EF-hand by analysis of it sequence; however, its proximity to an otherwise unpaired EF-hand suggests that it may be an EF-hand and inferred not to bind calcium. For each EF-hand domain is indicated whether calcium binding is observed (or inferred from sequence) "+" or not "-". For some subfamily domains there are instances of both binding and not binding calcium "+/-". There are four examples -- "a, b, c, & d" -- of noncanonical EF-hand loops that bind calcium. Some loops inferred not to bind calcium may provide additional examples of noncanonical calcium binding loops. EF12 and LPS have twelve and eight domains; for ease of formatting domains 7 and on are listed under domains 1 and on.