The 10th International Academic Consortium for Sustainable Cities (IACSC) International Symposium/General Assembly was held on August 26th and 27th, 2019, at Hasanuddin University in Indonesia. “Creating Resilient Cities with Diverse Urban Resources” being the theme, active discussions took place on how sustainable cities should be in each of the three units: Environment, Urban Planning, and Public Health.
The 11th IACSC International Symposium/General Assembly is planned to be held at Vietnam National University next academic year, and it continues to be taken into education and research activities.
(left)Reception at mayor’s official residence (right)Keynote speech by Prof. Imura, Advisor to the President
25 students from Yokohama City University participated in the student interactive activities in the areas of environment, urban planning, and public health. Through international student workshops and parallel sessions at the IACSC, they interacted with students abroad from Hasanuddin University and other universities in IACSC, mainly in Asia.
Visit to Hasanuddin University Faculty of Nursing
In Urban Planning unit, “Creating Resilient Makassar with Diverse Urban Resources” being the theme, students had participated in the workshop held at Hasanuddiun University before the IACSC and had active discussions with students from Indonesia and Thailand. They had a poster session at the IACSC reception hosted by the mayor of Makassar city, where they had an opportunity to present their outcome of the workshop directly to the mayor and deputy mayor.
In Public Health unit, 5 nursing students participated and made an oral presentation at a parallel session at the IACSC International Symposium/General Assembly regarding international fieldwork in Philippines conducted in the previous year.
They also visited Hasanuddin University Faculty of Nursing. This visit led to entering into the MOU between YCU and Hananuddin University Faculty of Nursing.
SUDP (Sustainable Urban Development Program), hosted by Yokohama City University every year, was co-hosted with Hasanuddin University this year. Total of 22 students from YCU, University of Niigata Prefecture, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Vietnam National University, and Hasanuddin University participated and interacted with each other in the activities. In 2019, field trips, group works, discussions, etc. were held under themes focusing on water and urban issues, such as water resources and flood-control measures. On the final day, each group presented the learning outcomes in this program.