Improved home BP profile with dapagliflozin is associated with amelioration of albuminuria in Japanese patients with diabetic nephropathy: the Yokohama add-on inhibitory efficacy of dapagliflozin on albuminuria in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes study (Y-AIDA study)
2019-09-03Synthesis and characterization of Mono-disperse Carbon Quantum Dots from Fennel Seeds: Photoluminescence analysis using Machine Learning
Date:18 September 2019
We have discovered room-temperature low-field colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) in an
A-site ordered NdBaMn2O6 crystal. The resistance changes more than 2 orders of magnitude at a magnetic field lower than 2 T near 300 K. When the temperature and magnetic field sweep from an insulating (metallic) phase to a metallic (insulating) phase, the insulating (metallic) conduction changes to the metallic (insulating) conduction within 1 K and 0.5 T, respectively. The CMR is ascribed to the melting of the charge and orbital ordering. The entropy change which is estimated from the B−Tphase diagram is smaller than what is expected for the charge and orbital ordering. The suppression of the entropy change is attributable to the loss of the short-range ferromagnetic fluctuation of Mn spin moments, which is an important key of the high temperature and low magnetic field CMR effect.
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