The event consisted of two sessions. Following the opening remarks by the Dean of YCU’s School of Medicine, Professor Yasuo Terauchi, we moved on to Session 1. While Dr. Nonglak Kanitsap, Associate Dean of the School of Medicine at TU, gave a mini-lecture in Session 1 last year, this year, both schools’ students gave presentations to each other under the event theme “Next-Generation Medicine”. The presentations really attracted their attention as students from both schools picked a topic which reflects each country’s medical trend and strength.
YCU students first mentioned the ongoing challenges in Japan, such as the aging society and uneven distribution of doctors. As part of YCU’s effort to solve these challenges, YCU students introduced several topics such as telemedicine, personalized medicine, and robotic surgery. Although the aging society factor is still not a pressing issue in Thailand, TU students listened attentively to the presentation, as it is a problem that will likely eventually occur in Thailand.
On the other hand, among the topics introduced by TU students, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) healthcare really caught the attention of YCU students. By referring to a survey regarding LGBT healthcare conducted by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), TU students highlighted the difficulties that the LGBT community go through regarding medical care. They also introduced their advancements in TU’s medical education to improve the situation and efforts at the LGBT health clinic at TU Hospital.
Participants from YCU and TU
For Session 2, six TU students and four YCU students were divided into two breakout sessions and enjoyed their group discussion. They shared their ideas and thoughts after listening to each group’s presentation. Although time was limited, students actively exchanged their opinions. We look forward to visiting each other in person in the near future. YCU and TU both hope these online programs function to keep a connection between the schools until face-to-face interaction resumes.
“I was amazed when the TU students mentioned the LGBT healthcare problem. Although the issues regarding LBGT healthcare are getting more attention globally, it hasn’t really been discussed as openly in Japan. Thanks to the TU students, I had the opportunity to learn and think more about the issue. ” - Takumi F., YCU
“This is the first time I have had a conversation with Japanese students. I really enjoyed the sessions and was very excited to see some cool ideas that I never imagined or thought about. Although, it would have been better if we had more time to talk with each other.” - Supawich J., TU
“I learnt that we should have a more global viewpoint and constantly update our knowledge about medicine.” - Yusuke K., YCU
“Our medical systems are a lot more different than anticipated.” - Claire K., TU
Date: December 14th, 2021, 7:00 - 9:00p.m. (Japan Standard Time)
Participants: 10 students (YCU 4 / NUS 6)
Dr. Yohei Kirino, Head of Registry Analysis Section, Behcet's Disease Research Center, Yokohama City University Hospital
Dr. Nonglak Kanitsap, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Thammasat University
Dr. Pholawat Tingpej, Deputy Head of Department of Pre-Clinical Sciences, Head of Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Thammasat University