(Talk&Oganizer)Ohno S:Regulation of epithelial cell polarity by PAR3 depends on Girdin transcription and Girdin-Galphai3 signaling.
Nov. 14-16, 2014, 14th Japanese-German Cancer Workshop, Berlin, Germany
(Talk)Ohno S: aPKC suppresses the growth of mammary luminal progenitors through a novel mechanism involving ErbB2.
2014年10月25日~26日、「RNAと生体機能」第3回懇話会、 伊東市、 ラフォーレ伊藤
(Talk)山下 暁朗: mRNA監視機構分子機構解析とその応用.
Oct. 24-25, 2014, The Fourth Shanghai International Forum on Acute and Chronic Kidney Injury, Shanghai, China
(Talk)Ohno S: aPKCλ maintains the integrity of the glomerular slit diaphragm through trafficking of nephrin to the cell surface. The Fourth Shanghai International Forum on Acute and Chronic Kidney Injury, Shanghai,China, 2014, 10.
(Poster)Fujikawa Y, Harita Y, Hirose T, Yamashita A, Sasaki K, Hirano H and Ohno S: p50 stabilizes the cell surface E-cadherin and regulates development and maturation of tight Junctions through the PAR complex.
(Poster)Yamashtia A, Uchiyama A, Kataoka N, Kurosawa H, Nakamura Y and Ohno S: Formation of mRNA surveillance complex during aberrant termination recognition.
(Poster)Yamashita K, Ide M, Furukawa K, Suzuki A, Hirano H and Ohno S: The molecular mechanism by which Lgl, the aPKC-interacting protein, suppress cell proliferation.
(Poster)Sato Y, Hayashi K, Amano Y, Takahashi M, Yonemura S, Hayashi I, Ohno S and Suzuki A: MTCL1 plays an essential role in polarized clustering of the Golgi complex through its microtubule crosslinking and stabilizing activity.
January 9 - 11,
The 2nd Meeting on RNA and Biofunctions-ASIA Study "RNA biofunctuions and viruses", 福岡
(Talk)A Yamashita: Specific inhibition of SMG-8 rescues effectively the mutant phenotypes exacerbated by nonsense-mediated mRNA decay without cell toxicity.
(Poster)Akitsu M, Satoh Y, Amano Y, Yamashita K, Yamashita A, Maki T, Hayashi I, Hirano H, Ohno S, A Suzuki: A novel microtubule binding protein, MARKAP1, cooperates with PAR-1 for the development of the lateral microtubule bundles in epithelial cells. American Society for Cell Biology ( ASCB) 2012 Annual Meeting, USA, 2012, 12.
(Poster)Satoh Y, Hayashi K, Amano Y, Takahashi M, Hayashi I, Ohno S, A Suzuki: A Novel Microtubule Binding Protein, MARKAP1, Regulates Stability of the Golgi-Nucleated Microtubules and Directional Cell Migration.
(Poster)Fujikawa Y, Hirose T, Harita Y, Sasaki K, Yamashita K, Yamashita A, Hirano H, Ohno S: p50 Regulates Epithelial Cell Polarity by Inhibiting E-cadherin endocytosis.
(Poster)Yamashita A, Kurosawa H, Ohno S: SMG-1, PIKK Family Kinase, Regulates mRNA Surveillance.
(Poster)Abe K, Ishigami T, Ann-Bin S, Ohno S, Umemura S, Yamashita A: Transcriptional Timing Determines the Stability of Interferon-beta mRNA.
(ワークショップ)古川可奈: JNKシグナル系は上皮細胞シートの形成効率を高める.
(Poster)Satake T, Hayashi K, Yamashita K, Satoh Y, Ohno S, Suzuki A: Analysis of Physiological Function of MARKAP1 in the Cerebellum.
(Poster)Furukawa K, Ohno S, Hirai S-I: JNK Facilitates the Formation of Epithelial Cell Sheet.
(Poster)Mizushima T, Akimoto K, Nagashima Y, Mogami T, Sato M, Miyagi E, Kameda Y, Inayama Y, Ohashi K, Aoki I, Ohno S, F Hirahara: The nuclear localization and overexpression of atypical protein kinase C in cervical cancer correlate with prognosis.
Sept 4-9, 2012, CSHL Meeting on Translational Control,
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory,
(Talk)Yamashita A, Usuki F and Ohno S: Specific inhibition of SMG-8 rescues effectively the mutant phenotypes exacerbated by nonsense-mediated mRNA decay without cell toxicity.
(Joint Young Scientist Session)Satoh Y, Hayashi K, Amano Y, Maki T, Hayashi I, Ohno S, A Suzuki: A Novel Microtubule Binding Protein, MARKAP, plays essential roles for the Golgi-Ribbon Formation by Regulating Golgi-Nucleated Microtubules.
(Poster)Satoh Y, Hayashi K, Amano Y, Maki T, Hayashi I, Ohno S, A Suzuki: A Novel Microtubule Binding Protein, MARKAP, plays essential roles for the Golgi-Ribbon Formation by Regulating Golgi-Nucleated Microtubules.
(Poster)Akitsu M, Satoh Y, Y Amano, S Ohno, A Suzuki: MARKAP1 cooperates with PAR-1/MARK for development of epithelial polarity by regulating microtubule organization.
(Symposium)Hirai S-I: Molecular mechanism supporting transitions in cell polarity during neuronal development. 第34回日本分子生物学会年会、横浜, 2011.12.13-16. (発表日:12.15)
(Talk)Hirose T, Sugitani Y, Kusaka C, Noda T, Ohno S: PAR3 is required for restricting symmetric proliferative divisions in mouse neutral precursor cells. 第34回日本分子生物学会年会、横浜, 2011.12.13-16. (発表日:12.13)
(Poster)Hirose T, Sugitani Y, Kusaka C, Noda T, Ohno S: PAR3 is required for restricting symmetric proliferative divisions in mouse neutral precursor cells. 第34回日本分子生物学会年会、横浜, 2011.12.13-16. (発表日:12.13)
(Poster)佐藤由典, 秋津真志, 林 健二, 天野芳子, 林 郁子, 大野茂男, 鈴木 厚: A new microtubule binding protein, p250, regulates the directional migration of epithelial cells. 第34回日本分子生物学会年会、横浜, 2011.12.13-16. (発表日:12.15)
(Poster)Satoh D, Harita Y, Daimon C, Hirose T, Kurihara H, Ohno S: Molecular mechanisms regulating the turnover of nephrin; the role of cell polarity regulator, aPKC. 第34回日本分子生物学会年会、横浜, 2011.12.13-16. (発表日:12.14)
(Poster)Hayashi K, Suzuki A, Hoogenraad C. C, Ohno S: Maintenance of Dendritic Spine Morphology by PAR1b through Regulation of Microtubule Growth.
November 19-20, 2011, 2011 International Symposium on Infectious Disease and Signal Transduction, 2011 Taiwan-Japan Joint Symposium on Cell Signaling and Gene Regulation, Tainan City, Taiwan.
(Oral) Akimoto K, Nagashima Y, Ishiguro H, Zheng Y-W, Sasaki K, Kojima Y, Taniguchi H, Ohno S: aPKC l regulates mammary luminal progenitor cell propagation and it’s disruption in a subpopulation of breast cancer.
(Poster)Kato S, Akimoto K, Nagashima Y, Ishiguro H, Kobayashi N, Maeda S, Ohno S, Nakajima A : Prognostic impact of aPKC l/i expression in pancreatic cancer.
August 3-5, 2011, US-Japan Conference on Inflammation, Diabetes and Cancer, Duarte CA USA, 2011.8.3-5.
(Oral) Ohno S: Cell polarity and the maintenance and disruption of epithelial tissues. US-Japan Conference on Inflammation, Diabetes and Cancer, Duarte CA USA, 2011.8.3-5.
(Poster)Akimoto K, Nagashima Y, Ishiguro H, Zheng Y W, Osato N, Sasaki K, Kojima Y, Tamura T, Taniguchi H, Noda T, Ohno S: aPKClambda regulates mammary luminal progenitor cell propagation and its disruption in a subpopulation of breast cancer. US-Japan Conference on Inflammation, Diabetes and Cancer, Duarte CA USA, 2011.8.3-5.
(Poster)Sasaki K, Kakuwa T, Koga H, Ohno S : PAR-3 mediates the expression of Girdin/GIV/Ccdc88a to regulate epithelial cell polarity. US-Japan Conference on Inflammation, Diabetes and Cancer, Duarte CA USA, 2011.8.3-5.
(Poster)林 健二, 鈴木 厚, 平井 秀一, 栗原 靖之, Casper C Hoogenraad, 大野 茂男: Maintenance of Dendritic Spine Morphology by PAR1b through Regulation of Microtubule Dynamics.
(Oral)佐藤大輔: Molecular mechanisms regulating the turnover of nephrin: the role of cell polarity regulator, aPKC-Par complex. (Young Investigator Award 受賞)
(Poster)Hirai S-I, Banba Y, Satake T, Ohno S: Axon formation in neocortical neurons depends on the stage-specific stabilization of microtubules by DLK-JNK pathway.
(Poster)Satake T, Hirano H, Yamanaka Y, Ohno S, Hirai S-I: Regulatory mechanism of kinesin-1 motor activity through JIP1.
(Poster)林 健二, 鈴木 厚, 大野茂男: Maintenance of dendritic spine morphology by PAR1b through regulation of microtubule dynamics.
(Poster)Yoshihama Y, Sasaki K, Horokoshi Y, Ohtsuka T, Hakuno F, Takahashi S-I, Suzuki A, Ohno S, Chida K: KIBRA suppresses apical exocytosis through inhibition of aPKC kinase activity in epithelial cells.
(Oral)平手良和, 平原志乃, 井上健一, 中尾和貴, 鈴木 厚, 秋本和憲, 大野茂男, 平井孝明, 千田和広, Marikawa Y, Vernadeth A, 佐々木 洋: 細胞極性による Hippo 経路の抑制がマウス着床前胚における位置依存的な細胞分化をつかさどる.
(Poster)平手良和, 平原志乃, 井上健一, 中尾和貴, 鈴木 厚, 秋本和憲, 大野茂男, 平井孝明, 千田和広, Marikawa Y, Vernadeth A, 佐々木 洋: 細胞極性による Hippo 経路の抑制がマウス着床前胚における位置依存的な細胞分化をつかさどる.
(Poster) 山下暁朗, Ernesto A P, Israel F S, 番場由美, 星野耕二, 上村博司, Oscar L I, 大野茂男: mRNA 品質管理機構制御因子 SMG-1 の構想と生理機能.
(Poster) Satoh D, Harita Y, Daimon C, Hirose T, Ohno S: The cell polarity proteins, aPKC-Par complex, regulate the turnover of nephrin to maintain slit diaphragm integrity.
(Poster) ○Ishiguro H, Akimoto K, Nagashima Y, Kagawa E, Sasaki T, Sano J, Takagawa R, Sasaki K, Fujinami K, Aoki I, Ohno S, Kubota Y, Uemura H: aPKC and IL-6 expression in prostate cancer tissues.
(Poster)Sasaki K, Ohno S: Regulation of Girdin/GIV/Ccdc88A expression by PAR-3.
(Poster)叢 偉立, ○廣瀬智威, 山下暁朗, 水野恵子, 張田 豊, 平野 久, 大野茂男: Apoptosis-Stimulating Protein of p53( ASPP2) is involved in the PAR Complex to Regulate Epithelial Cell Polarity.
(Poster)Harita Y, Kanda S, Sekine T, Inoue T, Hattori S, Igarashi T: Phosphorylation-mediated signaling in glomerular podocyte and its implication in the pathogenesis of proteinuria.
(Poster)Satake T, Hirao H, Yamanaka Y, Ohno S, Hirai S: Regulatory mechanism for Kinesin-1 motor activity through JIP1.
(Poster)Kutsuzawa K, Yamashita A, Katsuhata Y, Izumi N, Bamba Y, Hirano H, Ohno S: Recognition of phosphorylated serine residues in Upf1 by SMG-5, SMG-6 and SMG-7 during nonsense-mediated mRNA decay.
(Poster) Izumi N., Yamashita A, Iwamatsu A, Kurata R, Nakamura H, Hirano H, Ohno S: AAA+ proteins RUVBL1 and RUVBL2 coordinate PIKK family and function in nonsense-mediated mRNA decay.
(Poster)Hirai S, Banba Y, Satake T, Ohno S: JNK as a coordinator of microtubule modulation facilitating axon formation.
(Workshop and Poster)Cong W, Hirose H, Yamashita A, Mizuno K, Harita Y, Kurata R, Hirano H, Ohno S: Apoptosis-stimulating protein of p53 (ASPP2) regulate epithelial cell polarity through interacting with PAR-3.
(Poster)Miwa H, Akimoto K, Inoue Y, Wada H, Ishiguro H, Ohno S, Nagashima Y, Ikezawa Z: The overexpression of the atypical protein kinase C λ / ι in malignant melanoma correlates with its undifferentiation and metastatic.
(Oral)Kanda S, Harita Y, Sekine T, Igarashi T, Hattori S: Phosphorylation-Dependent Surface Expression of TRPC6 by PLC-γ1 Is Negatively Regulated by Nephrin.
(Poster)Harita Y, Matsunaga A, Tsurumi H, Kanda S, Sekine T, Igarashi T, Hattori S, Kurihara H: SIRPα Co-Localizes with Nephrin at the Podocyte Slit Diaphragm, and Modulates Nephrin Tyrosine Phosphorylation.
(Poster)Ichikawa Y, Kojima Y, Nagashima Y, Akimoto K, Ishikawa T, Goto A, Hirokawa S, Yamagishi S, Ota M, Fujii S, Nakajima A, Endo I, Ohno S: Expression of the atypical protein kinase C in lateral spreading type tumors of the colon or the rectum.
March 23 (Mon) to March 25 (Wed), 2009.The seventh annual CDB Symposium "Shape and Polarity" RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology (CDB) in Kobe, Japan
(Oral)Ohno S: Epithelial Cell Polarity and the PAR-aPKC System.
(Oral) Hirose T, Satoh D, Kurihara H, kusaka C, Hirose H, Akimoto K, Matsusaka T, Ichikawa I, Noda T, Ohno S: The cell polarity protein, aPKClambda, plays a critical role in the maintenance of podocyte slit diaphragms, specific type if epithelial intercellular junctions.
(Oral)Kosaka T: Conditionally Replicative Adenoviral Vectors for the Treatment of Gastric Cancer.
(Poster)Ishiguro H, Akimoto K, Nagashima Y, Kojima Y, Ishiguro Y, Sasaki T, Umemura H, Ohno S, Kubota Y: The role of aPKC lambda in prostate cancer progression.
(Poster) Akio Y: The formation of SMG-1:Upf1:eRF1:eRF3 complex (SURF) on ribosomes precedes translation-dependent-Upf1 phosphorylation during nonsense-mediated mRNA decay.
2008年1月29日(火)-30日(水) 横浜市立大学・米国食品医薬品庁共催 国際学術フォーラムInternational Forum co-sponsored by Yokohama City University & FDA (United States Food and Drug Administration)- Scientific Tools to Promote Biological Medical Product Success - 、パシフィコ横浜、横浜市大
(Poster) 三島 渉, 鈴木 厚, 山路 聡, 吉見竜介, 大野茂男:The ILK/affixin complex is involved in the ECM-directed apical pole orientation of epithelial cells by linking integrin signals to Rac1 activation.
(Oral) Hirose T: Defective cell polarity in kidney podocytes causes severe glomerular disease.
(Oral) Akimoto K: The role of aPKCl in breast cancer.
(Oral) Suzuki A: Polarity protein PAR-1b regulates extracellular laminin organization through regulation of the utrophin-dystroglycan complex.
(Poster) Takahama S: aPKC kinase activity restricts basolateral determinant PtdIns(3, 4, 5)P3 with basolateral/basal region in epithelial MDCK cells.
(Poster) Satoh D: PAR-3 and aPKC form a complex with Nephrin, a product of the causal gene of Finnish-type congenital nephrotic syndrome.
(Poster) Kishikawa M,: aPKC plays an essential role for the development of zonula adherens of epithelial cells by antagonizing centripetal contraction of the circumferential actomyosin cables.
(Poster) Sugiyama Y: Conditional depletion of aPKCλ in eye lens leads to small lens and cataract formation.
(Oral) Yamashita A: The SMG-1:SMG-8:p60 Complex Regulated Phosphorylation Of Upf1 Is Required For The Dissociation Of eRFs From mRNA Surveillance Complex During Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay.
2007年6月27日(水)-29日(金) 文部科学省癌特定研究評価会議、東大医学部臨床講堂
May 29 - June 3, 2007, RNA 2007 Annual Meeting, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin, USA
鈴木 厚: A novel signaling pathway by which PAR-aPKC system regulates cell-substate interaction,
May, 2007, 第12回国際RNA学会年会, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
Yamashita A,: The SMG-1:SMG-8:p60 Complex Regulated Phosphorylation Of Upf1 Is Required For The Dissociation Of eRFs From mRNA Surveillance Complex During Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay.