学術論文 2019年度
1)Arimoto A, Tadaka E:Reliability and validity of Japanese versions of the UCLA loneliness scale version 3 for use among mothers with infants and toddlers: a cross-sectional study.BMC Women’s Health, 2019, July, 105, doi:org/10.1186/s12905-019-0792-4
2)Arimoto A, Tadaka E:Developing and validating a new scale to assess signs of neglect of infants and caregivers. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2019, July, doi:org/10.1177/0886260519863724
3)Shiratani K:Psychological changes and associated factors among patients with tuberculosis who received directly observed treatment short-course in metropolitan areas of Japan: quantitative and qualitative perspectives. BMC Public Health, 2019, December, 1642, DOI: 10.1186/s12889-019-8001-9
4)Saito M, Tadaka E, Arimoto A:Development of a family caregiver needs-assessment scale for end-of-life care for senility at home (FADE). PLOSONE 2019; September, doi: org/10.1371/journal.pone.0222235
8)田髙悦子.独居高齢者の社会的孤立の課題と予防方略における性差の検討 : 男性独居高齢者に焦点化して.生きがい研究,26,4-22, 2020.
9)有本梓, 青盛真紀, 土肥眞奈, 槇原弘子, 中村幸代, 赤瀬智子:アクティブラーニング実態調査をふまえた教育ワークショップの展開と評価-看護系大学における領域横断アクティブラーニングの推進に向けて-, 横浜看護学雑誌,13(1),19-25,2020