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PLoS One. 2011;6(10):e26393
Presence of cartilage stem/progenitor cells in adult mice auricular perichondrium.
Kobayashi S, Takebe T, Zheng YW, Mizuno M, Yabuki Y, Maegawa J, Taniguchi H
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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 108(35):14479-84,2011
Reconsturction of human elastic cartilage by a CD44+ CD90+ stem cell in the perichondrium.
Kobayashi S, Takebe T, Imui M, Iwai S, Kan H, Zheng YW, Maegawa J, Taniguchi H
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PLoS ONE 6(2): e17092. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0017092
Evidence for mesenchymal-epithelial transition associated with mouse hepatic stem cell differentiation .
Bin Li, Yun-wen Zheng, Yuuki Sano, Hideki Taniguchi
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Lab Invest,90(10):1425-36. 2010
EGF signaling activates proliferation and blocks apoptosis of mouse and human intestinal stem/progenitor cells in long-term monolayer cell culture.
Suzuki A, Sekiya S, Gunshima E, Fujii S, Taniguchi H
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Hepatology 48(6) 1964-78 2008
Flow cytometric isolation and clonal identification of self-renewing bipotent hepatic progenitor cells in adult mouse liver.
Suzuki A, Sekiya S, Onishi M, Oshima N, Kiyonari H, Nakauchi H, Taniguchi H
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Cancer Research 68(19):7742-9. 2008
The polycomb gene product BMI1 contributes to the maintenance of tumor-initiating side population cells in hepatocellular carcinoma.
Chiba T, Miyagi S, Saraya A, Aoki R, Seki A, Morita Y, Yonemitsu Y, Yokosuka O, Taniguchi H, Nakauchi H, Iwama A
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Development 135(9): 1589-1595, 2008
Tbx3 controls the fate of hepatic progenitor cells in liver development by suppressing p19ARF expression.
Suzuki A, Sekiya S, Buscher D, Izpisua Belmonte JC, Taniguchi H
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Gastroenterology 133(3):937-950 2007
Enhanced self-renewal capability in hepatic stem/progenitor cells drives cancer initiation
Chiba T, Zhen YW, Kita K, Yokosuka O, Saisho H, Onodera M, Miyoshi H, Nakano M, Zen Y, Nakanuma Y, Nakauchi H, Iwama A, Taniguchi H
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Gastroenterology 132(2):720-732 2007
Isolation of mouse pancreatic ductal progenitor cells expressing CD133 and c-Met by flow cytometric cell sorting.
Oshima Y, Suzuki A,Kawashimo K, Ishikawa M, Ohkohchi N, Taniguchi H
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Hepatology 44(1):240-251 2006
Side Population Purified From Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Harbors Cancer Stem Cell?like Properties
Chiba T, Kita K, Zhen YW, Yokosuka O, Saisho H, Iwama A, Nakauchi H, Taniguchi H
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Diabetes 2004:53(8):2143-2152
Prospective Isolation of Multipotent Pancreatic Progenitors Using Flow-Cytometric Cell Sorting.
Suzuki A, Nakauchi H, Taniguchi H
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Hepatogastroenterology 2004 51: 423-426.
Liver repopulation by c-Met-positive stem/progenitor cells isolated from developing rat liver.
Suzuki A, Zhen Y.W, Fukao K, Nakauchi H and Taniguchi H
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Seminars in Liver Disease 2003:23(4): 337-348.
Deversity of Hepatic Stem Cells in the Fetal and Adult Liver.
Zheng Y.W, Taniguchi H
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Cell Transplantation 2003:12:469-473.
In vitro production of functionally mature hepatocytes from prospectively isolated hepatic stem.
Suzuki A, Nakauchi H, Taniguchi H
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Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 2003:100(9):5034-5039.
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (1-37) converts intestinal epithelial cells into insulin-producing cells.
Suzuki A, Nakauchi H and Taniguchi H
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Development 2003:130: 2513-2524.
Role for growth factors and extracellular matrix in controlling differentiation of prospectively isolated hepatic stem cells.
Suzuki A, Iwama A, Miyashita H, Nakauchi H and Taniguchi H
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Cell Transplantation 2002:11(5):451-453.
Establishment of clonal colony-forming assay system for pancreatic stem/progenitor cells.
Suzuki A, Oyama K, Fukao K, Nakauchi H and Taniguchi H
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Cell Transplantation 2002:11(5): 429-434.
Evidence for the hepatocyte differentiation from embryonic stem cells in vitro.
Miyashita H, Suzuki A, Fukao K, Nakauchi H and Taniguchi H
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The Journal of Cell Biology 2002:156 (1): 173-184.
Clonal identification and characterization of self-renewing pluripotent stem cells in the developing liver.
Suzuki A, Zhen Y.W, Kaneko S, Onodera M, Fukao K, Nakauchi H and Taniguchi H
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Hepatology 2000:32 (6): 1230-1239.
Flowcytometric separation and enrichment of multipotent hepatic progenitor cells in mouse developing liver.
Suzuki A, Zheng Y.W, Kondo R, Kusakabe M, Takada Y, Fukao K, Nakauchi H and Taniguchi H
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Nature Medicine 1996:2 (2): 198-203.
Presence of hematopoietic stem cells in the adult liver.
Taniguchi H, Toyoshima T, Fukao K and Nakauchi H