横浜市立大学 医学部 消化器内科学教室


平澤 欣吾先生の論文が掲載されました.

平澤 欣吾先生の論文が掲載されました.

Appropriate endoscopic treatment selection and surveillance for superficial non-ampullary duodenal epithelial tumors. Scand J Gastroenterol. 2020 Dec 31;1-9.

本論文は,当教室から初のSNADETに対する内視鏡治療のOverallの短期・長期成績をまとめたものです.久しくFirst authorはなかったのですが,ずっとこの論文がpublishされたら書こうと思っていたことがあります.









This manuscript summarizes the short and long-term outcomes of overall of endoscopic treatment for SNADET for the first time from our division. I haven’t been a first author for a long time, but I had something to tell my colleague once it’s published.

In 2020, 10 English papers were published by the endoscopy division of the Center Hospital. This is nothing but the efforts of my colleague of this department.

Last year, we suffered from a Corona virus spread, and we medical professionals faced great difficulties. Our endoscopy division is no exception, and some doctors were forced to the COVID team in parallel with regular medical practice. On the other hand, as the number of referral patients decreased and the number of examination and treatment schedule decreased, the time spent on clinical practice was certainly reduced. In the meantime, they swiftly turned to the progress of academic activities in order to make effective use of this time, and I think that this achievement was accumulated.

We handle about 800 ESDs a year, and in addition to regular examinations, outpatients, dealing with emergency cases other than cancer such as ileus and gastrointestinal bleeding, DBE and EMS, our daily routine has not allowed us to leave energy to make a manuscript. It may be unscrupulous to say COVID19’s benefit, but Corona virus indicated also a phase where we realized the importance of having free time, and my colleague did not waste the time. Really, really impressed.

Perhaps the colleague knew the pleasure of continuing their clinical practice every day, making their raw data in the form of a manuscript, and publishing it. Those who read these papers will know what we have done and what we will do. It should be known in the future that it will be an ID instead of a business card.

I don’t have much opportunity to say it face-to-face, but you everyone don’t need to be taught anymore. After that, modify it in your own way and prepare for the higher grades so that the next generation can feel the same enjoyment.

Unfortunately, the impact factor of ScJG is not so high, but I think it was enough to be able to tell this message.

I look forward to working with you.

Kingo Hirasawa