日本の留学生活のことや、就活、インターンシップのことなど ランチを食べながら日本人と日本語で気軽にお話ししませんか?
・日時 7/21(水)12:10~12:40 (入退室自由・飲食OK)
・申込URL(〆切:7/20火 正午)
・言語 日本語(英語スピーカーが参加する場合は簡単な英語を交える可能性あります)
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★ Category5:Online Lunch Talk with Japanese Students on Wed 21st July
* You will get 1point per day.
You will be able to expand your circle of friends by talking about college life or career planning in Japan with Japanese students who are interested in understanding international students. Please come and join us!
・Date: Wednesday, 21st July
・Time: 12:10-12:40
*Free in and out during the event
*Eating or drinking allowed
・Registration(Deadline of Registration: Tue 20th July at noon):
* This event will mainly be conducted in Japanese, but we will support you in simple English. Feel free to join us!