2019.11.18-20 Best Presentation Award!! @ACEM/JEMS 2019

Mr. Takeshita (M2) and Mr. Yamazeki (M1) had presentations at ACEM/JEMS 2019 meeting (第6回 アジア環境変異原学会・第48回日本環境変異原学会 合同大会、一橋講堂).

Mr. Takeshita gave a fascinating talk about his research of DNA/RNA adductomics combined with in silico calculation approach, and won the Best Presentation Award (Canon Award).

Congratulations Toshihide!!



Verification of DNA adduct formation derived from chemical compounds by DNA/RNA adductome methods and in silico: ab initio calculation analyses
Toshihide Takeshita, Hiroki Sakagami, Masanori Tachikawa, and Robert A. Kanaly

Examination of the micronucleus test in T24 human bladder carcinoma cells
Yu Yamazeki, Riku Kanauchi, Aiko Nagano, Robert A. Kanaly and Toshihide Takeshita