
Mori Lab (Microbial Ecology) / 微生物生態学研究室(守 研)

Our research focuses on the development of microbial communities in anthropogenically-impacted environments. We aim to gain a thorough understanding of how indigenous microorganisms respond and adapt to human-made environmental changes, such as pollution, and to discover novel microbial resources and functions with potential utility. The central research techniques include microbial genomics and metagenomics.

Research overview (研究概要) Updated in November 2024


横浜市立大学理学部・微生物生態学研究室(守 研究室)では、環境中の微生物の生態、特に環境汚染物質と微生物との関わりについて明らかにするため、微生物のゲノム解析を中心とした研究を行なっています。


Group Leader

Jiro F. Mori, Ph.D.  守 次朗 

Assistant Professor, Yokohama City University, Japan

横浜市立大学 理学部/大学院 生命ナノシステム科学研究科 助教


Assistant Prof., Yokohama City University
横浜市立大学 助教

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Toronto, McMaster University, Canada (Prof. Lesley A. Warren Lab)
博士研究員 マクマスター大学/トロント大学(カナダ)

Guest PhD student, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, ME, USA (Dr. David Emerson Lab)
ゲスト学生 ビゲロー海洋科学研究所(米国)

Ph.D. (Dr. rer. nat.), Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany (Prof. Kirsten Küsel Lab)
博士 フリードリヒ・シラー大学イェーナ(ドイツ)

M.Sc. Hokkaido University, Japan(Prof. Yasuyuki Hashidoko
修士(農学) 北海道大学大学院農学院 応用生物科学専攻(橋床泰之 教授

B.Sc. Hokkaido University (Prof. Yasuyuki Hashidoko)
学士(農学) 北海道大学農学部(橋床泰之 教授)

Nagano Senior High School
長野県長野高等学校 卒


Peer-reviewed articles / 査読付き学術論文


Abe, M., Sakai, M., Kanaly, R. A., and Mori, J. F. (2024) Identification of a putative novel polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-biodegrading gene cluster in a marine Roseobacteraceae bacterium Sagittula sp. MA-2. Microbiology Spectrum 13, e01074-24 (corresponding)

Sakai, M., Mori, J. F., and Kanaly, R. A. (2024) Assessment of bacterial biotransformation of alkylnaphthalene lubricating base oil component 1-butylnaphthalene by LC/ESI-MS(/MS). Chemosphere 364, 143269

Tsushima, S., Nishi, Y., Suzuki, R., Tachibana, M., Kanaly, R. A., and Mori, J. F. (2024) Formation of biogenic manganese oxide nodules on hyphae of a new fungal isolate of Periconia that immobilizes aqueous copper. Microbes and Environments 39(2), ME23102 (corresponding)


Abe, M., Kanaly, R. A., and Mori, J. F. (2023) Genomic analysis of a marine alphaproteobacterium Sagittula sp. strain MA-2 that carried eight plasmids. Marine Genomics 72, 101070 (corresponding)

Tsushima, S., Kanaly, R. A., and Mori, J. F. (2023) Whole genome sequence of Periconia sp. strain TS-2, an ascomycete fungus isolated from a freshwater outflow and capable of Mn(II) oxidation. Microbiology Resource Announcements 12, e00599-23 (corresponding)

Nemoto, Y., Ozawa, K., Mori, J. F., and Kanaly, R. A. (2023) Nondesulfurizing benzothiophene biotransformation to hetero and homodimeric ortho-substituted diaryl disulfides by the model PAH-degrading Sphingobium barthaii. Biodegradation 34, 215-233.


Kayama, G., Kanaly, R. A., and Mori, J. F. (2022) Comprehensive genomic characterization of marine bacteria Thalassospira spp. provides insights into their ecological roles in aromatic hydrocarbon-exposed environments. Microbiology Spectrum 10, e03149-22 (corresponding)

Sakai, M., Tomiyama, Y., Mori, J. F., and Kanaly, R. A. (2022) Growth of Sphingobium barthaii KK22 on 1-ethylnaphthalene reveals diverse oxidative transformations and a complex metabolite profile. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 175

Kayama, G., Kanaly, R. A., and Mori, J. F. (2022) Complete genome sequence of Thalassospira sp. strain GO-4, a marine bacterium isolated from a phenanthrene-enriched bacterial consortium. Microbiology Resource Announcements 11, e00532-22 (corresponding)

Jessen, G. L., Chen, L-X., Mori, J. F., Nelson, T. C., Slater, G. F., Lindsay, M. B. J., Banfield, J. F., and Warren, L. A. (2022) Alum addition triggers hypoxia in an engineered pit lake. Microorganisms 10(3), 510 (Special Issue “The Microbiology of Oil Sands Tailings”)

Mori, J. F. and Kanaly, R. A. (2022) Natural chromosome-chromid fusion across rRNA operons in a Burkholderiaceae bacterium. Microbiology Spectrum 10, e02225-21 (corresponding)


Izawa, M., Sakai, M., Mori, J. F., and Kanaly, R. A. (2021) Cometabolic benzo[a]pyrene biotransformation by Sphingobium barthaii KK22 proceeds through the kata-annelated ring and 1-pyrenecarboxylic acid to downstream products. Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances 4, 100018

Mori, J. F., Nagai, M., and Kanaly, R. A. (2021) Complete genome sequence of Cupriavidus necator KK10, an azaarene-degrading and polyhydroxyalkanoate-producing soil bacterium. Microbiology Resource Annoucements 10, e00423-21 (corresponding)

Tomiyama, Y., Takeshita, T., Mori, J. F. and Kanaly, R. A. (2021) Functionalization of the model asphaltene 1-dodecylnaphthalene by Pseudomonas aeruginosa KK6 through subterminal metabolism. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 205, 108870

Mori, J. F. and Kanaly, R. A. (2021) Complete genome sequence of Sphingobium barthaii KK22, a high-molecular-weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading soil bacterium. Microbiology Resource Announcements 10, e01250-20 (corresponding)


Mori, J. F. and Kanaly, R. A. (2020) Multispecies diesel fuel biodegradation and niche formation are ignited by pioneer hydrocarbon-utilizing proteobacteria in a soil bacterial consortium. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 87, e02268-20 (corresponding)

Camacho, D., Jessen, G. L., Mori, J. F., Apte, S. C., Jarolimek, C., and Warren, L. A. (2020) Microbial succession signals the initiation of acidification in mining wastewaters. Mine Water and Environment 39, 669-683

Maeda, A. H., Nishi, S., Hatada, Y., Ohta, Y., Misaka, K., Kunihiro, M., Mori, J. F., and Kanaly, R. A. (2020) Chemical and genomic analyses of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon biodegradation in Sphingobium barthaii KK22 reveals divergent pathways in soil sphingomonads. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 151


Mori, J. F., Chen, L-X., Jessen, G. L., Rudderham, S. B., McBeth, J. M., Lindsay, M. B. J., Slater, G. F., Banfield, J. F., and Warren, L. A. (2019) Putative mixotrophic nitrifying-denitrifying Gammaproteobacteria implicated in nitrogen cycling within the ammonia/oxygen transition zone of an oil sands pit lake. Frontiers in Microbiology 10(2435)

Chen, L-X., Zhao, Y-L., McMahon, K. D., Mori, J. F., Jessen, G. L., Nelson, T. C., Warren, L. A., and Banfield, J. F. (2019) Wide distribution of phage that infect freshwater SAR11 bacteria. mSystems 4, e00410-19 “Editor’s pick” of the issue

Whaley-Martin, K. J., Jessen, G. L., Colenbrander-Nelson, T., Mori, J. F., Apte, S. C., Jarolimek, C., and Warren, L. A. (2019) The potential role of Halothiobacillus spp. in sulphur oxidation and acid generation in circum-neutral mine tailings reservoirs. Frontiers in Microbiology10(297)

Mori, J. F., Scott, J. J., Hager, K. W., Moyer, C. L., Küsel, K., and Emerson, D. (2017) Physiological and ecological implications of an iron- or hydrogen-oxidizing member of the Zetaproteobacteria, Ghiorsea bivora, gen. nov., sp. nov. The ISME Journal 11, 2624-2636

Mori, J. F., Ueberschaar, N., Lu, S., Cooper, R. E., Pohnert, G., and Küsel, K. (2017) Sticking together: Inter-species aggregation of bacteria isolated from iron snow is controlled by chemical signaling. The ISME Journal 11, 1075-1086

Mori, J. F., Lu, S., Händel, M., Neu, T. R., Iancu, V. V., Tarcea, N., Totsche, K. U., Popp, J., and Küsel, K. (2016) Schwertmannite formation at cell conjugations by a new filament-forming Fe(II)-oxidizing isolate affiliated with the novel genus Acidithrix. Microbiology 162, 62-71 “Editor’s Choice” of the issue

Mori, J. F., Neu, T. R., Lu, S., Händel, M., Totsche, K. U., and Küsel, K. (2015) Iron encrustations on filamentous algae colonized by Gallionella-related bacteria in a metal-polluted freshwater stream. Biogeosciences 12, 5277-5289


Other articles (non-peer-reviewed) / ちょっとした書き物

日本微生物生態学会誌 2019年 34巻 2号 58-61


Research grant / 競争的研究資金

Research grant from Hokuto Foundation for Bioscience
ホクト生物科学振興財団 研究助成

JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (KAKENHI C)
科研費 基盤研究(C) 研究分担者(代表者:カナリー ロバート)

JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientist (KAKENHI Wakate)
科研費 若手研究

 横浜市立大学 学長裁量事業 学術的研究推進事業「若手研究者支援プロジェクト」

 JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientist (KAKENHI Wakate)
 科研費 若手研究

 The Japan Science Society, The Sasakawa Scientific Research Grant

 Yokohama Academic Foundation Research Grant
 横浜学術教育振興財団 研究助成


Journal article review / 学術論文査読実績


Environmental Microbiome

Frontiers in Microbiology




Marine Pollution Bulletin

International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation

Archives of Microbiology

Environmental Science and Pollution Research

npj Biofilms and Microbiomes

International Microbiology


Other activities / その他・地域貢献活動

Scientific Instructor (part-time), Yokohama Science Frontier Highschool
横浜市立 横浜サイエンスフロンティア高校 非常勤講師

日本微生物生態学会誌 編集委員